Sunday, March 3, 2013

How Can You Be, Two

Having the opportunity to "discover" who you really are is something that most people never take the time to realize.. It seems such a shame to say that, but if you think about it, most of us are caught up in the day to day routine, simply trying to survive. Even people who have made it financially, so to speak. They can focus on making more money to have the income stream to afford the lifestyle they have; never really taking the time to focus on what their inner soul was intended.
Whether or not their is a supreme source that planned our intention, discovering and contemplating that purpose isn't something that naturally occurs within us in our everyday lives. If we skip back 5 or 6 generations, we might consider that our fore-parents survival was based more on tomorrow's meal rather than career. The farther we go back and try to imagine what our fore-parents lives were like, the simpler it gets - at least in one way. Life gets less complicated but survival becomes more difficult. As human history moves forward, life seems to become more complicated yet less worrisome about survival. Has this evolution caused us, by nature, to be less in tune with ourselves?
Isn't it ironic? Life, as we move forward, becomes more and more convenient yet when we get caught up in it, so to speak, we spend less time being intimate with who we are. It is simple. If someone asks you who or what you are, many tend to define themselves by what they do. I am not a salesman. I, John Dunia, am someone who can empower others to do more that what they thought they could believe. Fortunately, I have known this for a long time and now I have the ability to explore that person, grow that person and the end goal is to continue to be more that person. If that person becomes my job on which I can earn an abundant living, one cannot ask for a better profession. That, of course, is an honor which I should embrace and be thankful for.

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