Monday, February 25, 2013

How can you be?

Everyone is always saying, "just be who you are". Or I am who I am and don't try to change me. Have you ever really sat down and wondered who you are? Someone with more meditative experience than I should answer this upcoming question but can you meditate on who you are? 
A couple of weeks ago, I went to the mountain and the main reason was to contemplate the shame that had continued for most of my 54 years. Some - and very little of that time - was spent thinking on who I am. In fact, I truly believe that the "blame filter" just about every time, doesn't want me to see who I am. It will loose all of the power.
Today though was a very unique experience for me. I spent about an hour with a designer/client of mine and much of our conversation was on a personal level - on both of our behalves. It's easy to see now when people have some very small level of shame filter (it really is more of a self-confidence filter but the shame filter is its foundation) and we were discussing it about both of ourselves. Talking about my situation to just about anyone, is always revealing things to me. They are coming so fast there is no way for me to track it all. I just "take it all in". 
The object is to be okay with yourself, in many ways. Don't let the negative times have more power by allowing them to pull you down even further. Embrace yourself and move on. All of us can be happy with ourselves when things are going right but when things are tough and we may be spending too much time doing the wrong thing, just accept it and move on. Discover ways of how you can hinder yourself from doing or spending time on the wrong thing. It's a little more complicated than that and I'll try and cover the rest of it tomorrow.

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