Sunday, January 27, 2013

Why Not?

  I wish I could be so bold to say that anyone who goes through a transition and growth period in his or her life MUST experience certain things. I can only speak from my own experience but it certainly makes logical sense the everyone goes through certain steps.
  It's amazing to think how far I have come and still see how far I need to go. Since last Thursday, it seems challenges have been coming my way faster than before. Certain insights about me are becoming more glaring. The interesting thing is that just about every issue that becomes a major factor and need for change, at one time or another in the past, I made myself aware of it. I just didn't want to recognize the severity of the problem or  in some cases, convince myself it wasn't a problem.
  Up to now, I have been somewhat vague with the details of the issues. Having them out here in cyberspace, it makes you feel almost naked. However, there is good news. Putting them out here, in print, in cyberspace, it tells the world, so to speak, of your issues and you either do something about them or not. Why not do something about them. Really. What does one have to lose? There is so much more to gain.
  You know what that means; time for me to be a little more forthcoming on some of these challenging issues I've had to face.

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