Wednesday, January 30, 2013

When the Going gets tough

Even when you have everyone on your side and you set your mind to be positive, there are difficult times. Typically, once you get through them, you can always look back and see the situation much more clearly than when you went through it, however that's the time you need to be strong. When you are going through it. Those are the times when badly thought out decisions are made.
Playing arm-chair quarter back or looking back at the situation is always easier. Making the tough decision or the decision that will help you succeed - especially when you are clouded by challenging and emotionally disturbing thoughts - that is exactly when you need to be tough and make the well-thought out choice.
I told you I was going to be a little more personal with these posts so I might as well start now. Today started out fine but it always seems to end up rough at the end of the day. I am home alone, save for my three cats and have work to finish up. There was an event that I didn't go to tonight because I had to finish my work.
Just before sitting down to write this post, I was really feeling distraught and wanted to just shut everything down, brush my teeth and go to bed. For me, when I am depressed, I tend to get sleepy. I think it is an escape mechanism for me (sure beats escaping with alcohol or drugs!).
Sitting down to write this blog helped somewhat. Maybe it's just the idea of a remote possibility of helping someone that made me feel better. Whatever the case, I'll have to remember that because it sure beats curling up into a ball and not accomplishing anything.

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