Monday, January 21, 2013

A New Beginning 
At my age, most people have had an idea what they like. What is it that they enjoy and what really makes them happy. At least I say, most "normal' people know.Of course, "normal" is a relative term and if it comes down to it, there is no one "normal" person, however, being "yourself" typically is not the issue.
However, try spending ninety percent of your life trying to be someone that you think someone else expects you to be. That is a tough one. Revisit that sentence again: trying to be someone that YOU THINK - this is the real difference - that SOMEONE ELSE expects you to be.
People aren't handing a a book and saying, "This is how you should be". You are thinking, "I believe this is how they want be to be". So when it is revealed to you that you are incorrect, you go about wondering again how you should be.
If that isn't already complicated enough, add to it not only who you are supposed to be, but how you should act, feel, think and believe. Being this way is your ticket to heaven!
It is quite a fascinating predicament. How you are to (1) Be, (2) Act, (3) Feel, (4) Think, (5) Believe. It's easy to see now why you never are yourself and can get lost in trying to find who you are.
As I understand blogging a little better, these posts will be more fun to read but there are two objectives here. One is to see first hand, a person discovering himself for the very first time and living the process with him. The other is that it will help a reader realize there is much he or she has been missing and help discover life as well.
I have been given a great gift; and that is to have an opportunity to discover who I am. Sure most people live a life being themselves but do they really ever get a chance at really knowing who they are? Having a deeper and more intimate relationship with their spirituality and emotional self. This is where my journey, at age 53, began.

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