Saturday, January 26, 2013

One Day At a Time

I have grown to typically despise trite sayings and especially phrases people use to "nutshell"  particular situations. Take for instance the title of this post; "One Day At a Time". It fits into the category of trite phrases but this one has particular meaning to me (which I will touch on in a bit).
Not being much of a rebel in my youth, I act at my rebellion in a strange way and that is by playing Devil's advocate. Especially when I hear these "catch all" phrases. My mind immediately tries to figure out or invent  situations that will contradict that particular phrase. (Ok, not quite as exciting as sneaking out of a window at night, but it will do for now).
However, "one day at a time:, especially for me, is very appropriate. There are times when I feel immensely successful for days or even weeks. There are other times where I get discouraged and/or depressed. Hence, one day at a time is very appropriate.
The key to being happy is allowing yourself to be okay when you are a little depressed or discouraged. It happens to everyone. It is one of those little things we can't avoid unless for some reason, you are not a member of the human race. Accept that it is okay for you to feel that way AND get some positive help from a friend. That seems to be one of the best ways to get out of that slump of depression or discouragement.
It is certainly much easier said than done, however take it a day at a time (Did I say that?) It helps.

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